Monday, May 12, 2008


On Friday, May 9, Howard Rieger sent all of us at UJC an e-mail message expressing his "mixed emotions" about a great professional's, Debbi Roshfeld's, decision to leave UJC for greener pastures. While Debbi may be leaving by her choice, we see a pattern as terrific women professionals have left in large numbers over the past two years that speaks volumes.

Look at the list of women -- all women -- professionals who have left should cause lay leaders the same concern it has us: the Senior V-P of Marketing and Communications, Senior V-P Development and Planned Giving, Assistant Director Planned Giving and Endowment, V-P Development (who also ran the GA), Associate Vice-President, Marketing and Communications, Senior Director, Governance, the Associate Director, Planned Giving & Endowment and, now, the Director, Overseas Programs/Missions and the Director, the UJC-Mandel Program for Leadership Excellence, Vice-President, Development in Atlanta. The list goes on and on along with a long list of secretaies many of who had dedicated their professional lives to UJC and thought they were part of a team. Women all. (And UJC would tell you, remember we hired Becky Caspi to head UJC Israel.) There is something wrong going on here -- does anyone care?

UJC, as we understand it, has strong women as Chair of its Executive, Chair of GOIO and Chair of its diminished JPI. Do they care?


elaygee said...

Who is the one with the great sense of humor who named a committee GOIO (Goy-O)?

Matt Fieldman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fromwhereisat said...

classic hypocrisy.

the author posts an anonymous blog, yet refuses to allow anonymous comments.

btw, hi fran! are you getting to spend more quality time with your poodle these days?

UJC boys/girls said...

Love you all. All comments are welcome. As we understand it, the statement that "This blog does not allow anonymous comments" merely means one has to use either their real name or some nom de plume -- look at fromwhereisat as both an example of using a sobriquet and offering an irrelevant comment at one and the same time.

elaygee said...

I don't think some of your readers are bright enough bulbs to figure that out.

fromwhereisat said...

why not just enable anonymous comments, and make it easier for folks to express their opinions, fran/richard?

do you really think that forcing readers to register with before making a comment is the same thing as allowing unattributed comments in the first place?!

this is another perfectly fitting example of why, under your "leadership," UJC and the federation system has fallen into disrepair.

i'll say it again and again,

good riddance!!!

...and "elaygee," based upon reading some of your sophmoric and uninformed comments, i wouldn't cast aspersions on the intellect of others.

elaygee said...

Actually, you were the prime target of my last barb. Perhaps Dullwitiswhereitsat would suit you better.

Make sure the poodle doesn't pee on your leg.

fromwhereisat said...

actually, elaygee, i have a sneaking suspician that YOU may be fran sommers' poodle!

that alone might explain how you can possibly believe that this blog is authored by a "junior-level" staffer at UJC.

just for fun, why don't you ask an actual "junior-level" staffer at UJC what they think?

everyone at 111 8th ave. ste. 11E knows the truth about this blog's authorship.

elaygee said...

As long as the pension check keeps coming every month, I could give a rat's ass what happens to UJC.

UJC boys/girls said...

Does anyone believe that the Comments relate to the substance of our Post or to any of our concerns?

UJC boys/girls

fromwhereisat said...


the sad and hateful nature of your comment below speaks volumes about you.

need i remind you that UJC is a social welfare organization, which even the author of this blog believes is funding life saving work around the world.

you might not give a "rat's ass" what happens to UJC, but millions of suffering souls who are depending upon it do.

in the meantime, i hope that your pension check makes you feel better.

shame on you.