Monday, March 3, 2008

Lay-Professional Partnerships

The JCSA, Jewish Communal Service Association of North America, is hosting a teleconference this week. Great topic -- Best Practices in Long term Partnerships Between Professional and Volunteer Leadership -- and the Session will be moderated by UJC's Vice-President, Debbi Roshfeld. The Panelists will be Audra Berg from Chicago, an Assistant V.P. Leadership Development; New York UJA-Federation's Louise Greilsheimer, Senior V.P. Agency and External Relations (and a former lay leader there) and UJC's National Campaign Chair, David Fisher.

Now, we don't know David, but we hear he is a super guy. But which Lay-professional partnership is he going to speak about? His partnership at UJC with Vicki Agron? That's over. His partnership with Gail Reiss? Over. His partnership with Eric Levine? Just begun. Now, none of these "partnerships" ended because of anything David did, certainly. As the announcement of this conference stated: "Understand the complex dynamic in building a lay-professional relationship; taking it to the next level." Well, here at UJC, it's sure "complex" and no one should better understand that than David.

We all have a lot to learn.


fromwhereisat said...

With all due respect to this anonymous author, I don't believe for a second that "UJC boys/girls" is who he/she says they are.

this is certainly not a low ranking employee at UJC.

clearly, he/she is a disgruntled senior volunteer with an ax to grind.

UJC boys/girls said...

...and I think this Blog is being written by a current UJC Officer afraid to speak out publicly for fear of being shunned.

UJC boys/girls said...

...We were wrong. After listening, we thought it was a terrific Panel and an excellent discussion.

Steve Bergson said...

More details, please.

Which partnership(s) did he talk about (since that seemed to be something that corncerned you)?

committed to community said...

ujc boys/girls does you March 4th comment mean that you are admitting to not being a member of staff as you have previously represented yourself to be?

firstoverthefence said...

Why has this morphed into a "who did it" rather than a substantive discussion of the issues raised? There's so much that's dysfunctional that it is probably easier to deflect attention rather than seeing the human relations and work product issues as they are. Time to wake up and smell the "cafe hafuch", chaverim.

elaygee said...

It doesn't matter if they chain you to an oar in the front or in the back, you're still a wage slave on the master's boat.

Unknown said...

UJC absolutely must decide if they want lay involvement.for the future , UJC must decide if it is to stay a professionally run entity or if they want lay involvement The lay volunteers do not want to be presented with fait-accompli decisions, when they should have been involved from the start of the process.A strong UJC is necessary for north american Jewry, lets not turn off the lay volonteers

fromwhereisat said...

Yes, "Committed To Community," it seems to me that this "anonymous" blogger has admitted to lying about his/her identity.

It was completely obvious to me that this person is not a junior-level UJC staffer, but rather a disgruntled (fired) senior executive or volunteer.

I'm not sure whether pity or opprobrium is more deserved.

Surely, this blogger has a legitimate right to voice their opinion and dissent, but to do so in a misleading and dishonest manner is shameful.